First off, I love the new update, Gaia looks cool and cant wait to use her. This review will be mostly disagreeing with other negative reviews I read. Ive noticed a lot of people are complaining about the new Legendary dragon and the supposed impossible odds to gain pieces of each level. Im not sure where the issue is. Sure only getting 10 races per day is somewhat cumbersome, but races are easy. If you have semi decent timing and are paying attention, winning a race is simple. After winning each race (which you should do 99% of the time) you have a 1/3 (or 2/3 if youre lucky) chance to get a piece. You also dont have to spend money to race now, you have 10 races per day. Side Note: I think it doesnt cost money, Ill be honest, I am at max level and saving 2 billion coins for an island so if does cost $50,000 I dont notice or care. Anyways, so its free I believe and you have pretty good odds to get a piece. I just choose the center chest. Theres no real reason, as they all have the same chance, but this way I cant chastise myself if randomly pick the wrong chest. Its worked well for me, Im already onto the 2nd tier. One more thing I keep noticing is that people seem to think you be able to get Gaia in like 3 days. Its a legendary dragon that will forever be there and doesnt take up breeding or nursery slots. I would disappointed if I could get it easily and quickly. Summarizing, I think the modification to races is fine, a bit annoying, but I know that it was rather easy to cheat the race track and level up quickly, so its now fixed. Also, I am glad Gaia takes a bit of time to summon, and gaining pieces isnt impossible. It gives those us of who only need a few dragons that arent available right now (I took a couple year break and missed a few events) something to stay busy with. Lastly, thank you to whoever read this far. I do have to ask, if anyone has a Comet dragon and is willing to Co-Op with me my Game Center is RandyBarnesiii. I will give gems everyday as I have a dragonsai tree and inactive friends. Not to mention 260 dragons so I can help you get some